
Language and Communication

Language Issues

Language and Identity in a Multilingual, Migrating World

Stephen Quakenbush, Gary Simons (eds.) (2019)
"Bible translation agencies may want to consider their frequent appeal to the special place of the mother tongue as “heart language” in producing greater comprehension and impact. In many areas of the world, bilingualism or multilingualism is the norm. People…
January 27, 2020
AudioBible TranslationResearch

Audio-Based Translation

Communicating Biblical Scriptures to Non-Literate People
Julian Sundersingh (2018)
"The besic thesis of my study then is that an audio Scripture program which seeks to be effective in communicating the Word of God has to be faithful to the Scriptures, relevant to the audience and appropriate to the medium…
October 7, 2019

Don’t Throw the Book at Them

Communicating the Christian Message to People Who Don’t Read
Harry Box (2014)
From the book's description: Don’t Throw the Book at Them addresses one of the most vital issues in contemporary missions. It is a manual for cross-cultural missionaries and national church leaders ministering in societies based on oral rather than written…
April 26, 2019
Bible TranslationLiteracyOrality

Translation, Literacy and Orality

Reflections from the domain of Bible translation
Dick Kroneman (2017)
"The current emphasis on oral approaches to scripture engagement is, generally speaking, a laudable development. Since oral communication is indeed the primary means of communication for many people in the South, it is indeed natural and important to recognize the…
October 9, 2018

Évangile et Culture

Jalons de réconciliation
Zacharie Manyim M. (2017)
"I welcome the publication of this book in an Africa where the arrival of the Good News had essentially been bad news for our cultural realities. Zac invites us to examine our cultures in the light of the Gospel, in…
October 7, 2018
Bible StorytellingFilm and VideoOrality

Building Bridges to Oral Cultures

Journeys among the Least-Reached
Carla Bowman, Jim Bowman (2017)
Building Bridges to Oral Cultures narrates with chronological and adventurous detail, an extraordinary journey that began for Jim and Carla Bowman in the early 80s with a passion to share the Good News with a handful of the least-reached, indigenous…
October 7, 2018