
Language and Communication

Culture meets ScriptureCulture

Culture meets Scripture

Making culturally meaningful choices that honor God
This dynamically relevant workshop is built on an important cultural event which creates inner turmoil and struggle for believers. Birth, death, and marriage, for instance, may require a number of rituals that conflict with Scripture. Workshop features: Christian community leaders…
October 2, 2018
DevelopmentLanguage IssuesStrategic Planning

Sustaining Language Use

Perspectives on Community-Based Language Development
Paul Lewis, Gary Simons (2016)
How does a language community sustain their language in the face of ever-increasing forces of language shift? This volume, both a textbook and a handbook, is the result of ten years of reflection by the authors in light of SIL…
September 27, 2018

Impact Assessment Report

Results of a study, surveying nearly 5,500 people in Burkina Faso and Cameroon
Béatrice Konfe-Tiendrebeogo (ANTBA, Burkina Faso), Julious Ngum Kimbung (CABTAL, Cameroon), Martin Engeler (OneBook, Canada) (2014)
This study was undertaken by a small team of Africans and Canadians to measure the impacts of translated Scriptures, literacy and Scripture engagement programs on marginalized minority language communities, to discern whether certain hypotheses are true and to better understand…
May 12, 2016
Bible TranslationCultureVisual Arts

Avoiding Visual Miscommunication

Choosing Illustrations for Translated Scripture
Michelle Petersen (2016)
Choosing to illustrate interesting events in the text may help build audience interest in the story of Scripture, and this interest may be more foundational to audiences’ relationship with God than knowledge of details about what objects and places looked…
March 8, 2016
Language IssuesResearch

Promoting the Use of the Scriptures in Nso’

A Strategy for Promoting the Use of the Vernacular Scriptures in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Churches in Nso’ Tribe, Cameroon
Shey Samuel Ngeh (2015)
MTh thesis, South African Theological Seminary. Abstract: This research was prompted by the observation that there is minimal use of Lamnso’ Scriptures in Baptist churches in Nso’, even though the Lamnso’ New Testament has been available since 1990. It was…
November 16, 2015
Language IssuesResearch

The Impact of Vernacular Scriptures

Assessing the benefit of local language Scriptures among the bilingual Malila and Nyiha communities of Tanzania
Mark Woodward (2014)
MA dissertation: Bible & Mission, Redcliffe College, UK. Abstract: In many ways the Malila and Nyiha are typical of Tanzania's numerous multilingual communities, where both Swahili and the local language are used as part of everyday life. Given that there…
July 17, 2015

Gospel and Marriage Workshop

Marriage and culture in West Africa in the light of the Scriptures
Michael Jemphrey (2015)
Michael Jemphrey describes a recent Gospel and Marriage workshop held in West Africa. It brought together the domains of Scripture engagement and anthropology, demonstrating the relevance of the translated Scriptures in addressing local cultural issues. The workshop included: Discussion of…
January 6, 2015